Online Training

Annual Training

Annual training will be assigned throughout the year according to the last name of individuals served. This rotation will continue year to year with the employee’s training window moving up two months each year.

Annual training notification will be communicated twice before commencement of the training. The first notification will be sent to the authorized representative in the month prior to beginning, so there is time to schedule training into each employee’s work week. Overtime is not allowed, even to complete annual training. Training and direct service hours may not exceed 40 hours/week per employee.

The second notification will be sent directly to each employee on the first day of the month in which the assigned training is due. This notification will inform the employees that the required trainings have been assigned in the online learning management system and that they have until the last day of the month to complete all required training.

Employees will be expected to complete all of the annual training assignments within the month that they are assigned. The employee will be suspended on the last day of the month if training is not complete. The authorized representative will need to work with the service coordinator to create a plan for the employee to complete the training before the employee is able to work again with the person served. Failure to complete the annual training could impact employment up to and including termination.

When Will New Employees Who Start Mid-Year Complete the Annual Training?

When a new employee is hired, the employee will complete 12 hours of training which will meet the annual training requirement for the year. However, in order to stay aligned with the annual training schedule, a new employee may do orientation and annual training in the same year.

For example, if the employee is hired in June and the annual training would not be assigned to that employee again until September the next year, the employee will complete both orientation and annual training in the year the person is hired to ensure the completion of annual training within 12 months, per Minnesota State Statute.

The training notices will be sent to the authorized representative and the employee to ensure all parties are aware of the requirements whenever an employee is assigned training.

If you have questions about training for Individual Home Supports, please contact us at 651-454-2732 or